

Providing Quality Chiropractic Care In The Denver Area For The Entire Family

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors first evaluate and diagnose the spine to find any mis-alignments in the spine.

These mis-alignments in the spine are commonly called “Sub-luxations”, in simpler terms, a “shift”.

We find these areas by using x-rays, other diagnostic equipment, or by palpating the spine using our hands to determine where and how the spine has been mis-aligned.

Chiropractic is a type of medicine based on the scientific fact that our nervous system controls or influences the function of every tissue and cell in your body.

Interference of the nervous system will affect how the nerves communicate to every muscle, tissue and organ in our body.

By removing the interference of the nerve, the body will heal itself.

All body functions are controlled by the nervous system. Sometimes the spinal vertebras will get misaligned which will cause pressure on the nerve which will lead you to feel discomfort/pain and even at times radiating pain to wherever the nerve is traveling.

Once the Doctor finds these areas of misalignments the chiropractor will adjust these areas gently using his/her hands with synergistic technologies, remove the interference of the nerve, which will help reduce the pain or discomfort to the area in which the nerve is affecting.


#1 Structure Component

Your Spine

#2 Neurological Component

Your Nervous System

#3 Metabolic Component

Your Metabolic Health


By evaluating all areas one of our practitioners will be able to uncover your individual approach back to health and healing.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

We have been providing rehabilitative services

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Maria Hugó
Physiotherapy Patient
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